Some reviews

Why is it so difficult to meet somebody today?

In spite of all the networking possibilities and social media?

If you are Single, Divorced or Widowed and want to get back into the Dating game, if you're looking for that elusive partner, you will be interested to hear how a pro went about it. I was a matchmaker in Ireland and had my own dating agency. I'm sharing my experience and insider views with my readers. For more info see my book's website:!

I had the honor of being asked to come on the local NBC show First Coast Living twice in the last week to give dating advice. If you missed it, you can read all that stuff in my book.

Friday, August 1, 2014

A Man with a Plan

In the morning, I was woken from the noise of a plane taking off at Heathrow.
“What time is it?” I yawned.
“It must be 11 a.m.; that’s the noise of the Concorde.”
We managed to have another little walk this time along the Thames before I had to go back to the airport.  To my surprise, we were close to the Runnymede roundabout.  I did not point out that I knew the area from previous visits although I had told him about Guy when he had asked about my past.  Neither did I elaborate the fact that I received my secondary sexual education right here in the neighborhood.  Fate seemed to have drawn me back here.
Before we even met in person, in his head Alec had planned a return visit to Dublin “if he got an invitation.” He did.
At the airport he said, “Only World War III can keep me away from you.” Two days later his flight to Dublin was booked – no dilly-dallying with him.  Within a short weekend of 36 hours spent together, an intimacy and emotional closeness had developed that was unprecedented.
Later on the phone he said, “I need you physically and emotionally.”
Two days later, he told me, “I am having amazing thoughts about you, some of them are sensual, some romantic.” No, he wasn’t into phone sex.  He had genuine feelings for me and had fallen in love.
“I am a man with a plan!”
How I liked that! I had equally strong emotions for him.  Maybe this was the lightning strike I had been waiting for.  Can something feel too good to be true? There had to be a catch.  I was in love and frightened at the same time.  My brain was on high alert and shouting, “Protect yourself.” Nevertheless, we met up again and had another enjoyable experience with each other in Dublin. 

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