Some reviews

Why is it so difficult to meet somebody today?

In spite of all the networking possibilities and social media?

If you are Single, Divorced or Widowed and want to get back into the Dating game, if you're looking for that elusive partner, you will be interested to hear how a pro went about it. I was a matchmaker in Ireland and had my own dating agency. I'm sharing my experience and insider views with my readers. For more info see my book's website:!

I had the honor of being asked to come on the local NBC show First Coast Living twice in the last week to give dating advice. If you missed it, you can read all that stuff in my book.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

HER…and him?

No lover for Valentine's? No soul mate in sight? Alone for Valentine's?
Forget about relationships and the heartbreak that goes with it! Get a robot!

Robots have been with us since before Star Wars. They have been cleaning, repairing and some more sophisticated bots will soon be available to cook for us, do the laundry, even babysit or tend to our elderly parents. Last year, a NJ based company introduced a talking, touch-sensitive robot “companion”.
A Japanese robot developer, H. Ishiguro, in Kyoto who also teaches at Osaka University created a silicone doppelgänger so that he can interact on the internet in two places. “You believe I’m real”. If you can’t tell the difference, does it matter in the end whether you’re interacting with a human or machine?  

Welcome to the future of dating, living and companionships!
The movie HER (directed by Spike Jonze) opens a window into this future when a withdrawn writer (Joaquin Phoenix) falls in love with his computer's highly advanced ─sentient─ operating system (Scarlett Johansson's voice): A futuristic sci-fi romance?

Is it an odd, sad love story, combined with a meditation on technology as an accelerator of social loneliness? Not a small part of it seems to be an allegory of lonely guys and their fear of women.
Does the movie force us to consider what constitutes a 'real' relationship in a world where every interaction is filtered through technology, making it feel like a vital contemporary romance?
One critic found “The romantic intimacy is remarkable considering the two main characters never kiss, or share an embrace, or even look at one another.”
Jonze is playing with hefty concepts here: loneliness, longing, the nature of consciousness, the need for human connection - and, increasingly, the fear of it. Her is a wistful, wonderful meditation on where we are and where we might be going ─ another reviewer said.
As a former matchmaker who was always faced with the task of finding the perfect match for very client, I wished I could clone them or grow them in the garden according to their specifications. Maybe a silicone-enhanced computerized replica of a human is the answer to our dreams?  
Happy searching, dating, loving. This Valentine’s and every day hereafter!

Be yourself! Never give up! And remember: Thelongest relationship you're going to have is with YOURSELF!

Siggy Buckley, former matchmaker from Ireland.

1 comment:

Awakenings said...

What a unique perspective, Siggy. With the advancements in today's technology, who knows what the future will hold. For today, I will just hold on to my human sweetheart! Found my soulmate 30 years ago...prefer that warm body to the cold metal! Great post!