Some reviews

Why is it so difficult to meet somebody today?

In spite of all the networking possibilities and social media?

If you are Single, Divorced or Widowed and want to get back into the Dating game, if you're looking for that elusive partner, you will be interested to hear how a pro went about it. I was a matchmaker in Ireland and had my own dating agency. I'm sharing my experience and insider views with my readers. For more info see my book's website:!

I had the honor of being asked to come on the local NBC show First Coast Living twice in the last week to give dating advice. If you missed it, you can read all that stuff in my book.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Tired of trawling the club scene? Getting too old for bars? No luck with blind dates that your best friend set you up with? While everybody else seems to be having fun or at least have the fun of breaking up from time to time, and start then all over again? Ain't it better to lose a love than to never love at all (Rod Stuart)? And just in time for Valentine, yet another Valentine movie out....spare me. Including most of the current most popular movie stars--why no wall flowers, or your regular Joe Bloke with a tummy? During my most singlest days it was the Bridget Jones Diary.
No wonder our want-it-all, can have-it-all because you- deserve- it generation is getting impatient with the biological clock ticking away ever so quietly. But loudly in your own ears. No wonder Internet dating became so popular since everybody has a PC now -- and Sex and The City revolutionized our openness about dating and bragging about having a hectic social life. Or NOT! The days of matchmakers --still existent in other cultures- have long gone in our part of the world. Arranged marriages deserve a bored, condescending yawn at best. So what else is there? The allure of the all embracing wild world web and its fangs.

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